Sandpoint Pet Photographer | Fall-Themed Golden Retriever Puppies
There’s no denying, I am 100% a Golden Retriever fan. It all started 9 years ago today when my sweet Josie Grace came into the world at the most perfect time. It was a perfect time, because it was in the middle of one of the hardest life lessons I had ever faced. My sweet little Josie Grace, and all her fluffy glory, easily fell into the roll of therapy dog. She saw me through a really difficult time in my life, and I have forever been in love with the breed.

Just a few weeks ago, I had to take my Josie Grace into the vet for a UTI. While there, we happened to bump into another Golden Retriever owner, and we got to chatting. She mentioned that her female Golden at home was about to have a litter of puppies any day now. I was ALL over that! We quickly exchanged numbers. And just a few days later, she was messaging me to let me know that mama was in labor. She ended up giving birth to 12 puppies! Unfortunately, one of the females didn’t make it. The rest of the litter, however, was thriving and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on them for some puppy snuggles.
Once their eyes were open, I made plans to go over and take some photos of the litter. I quickly through a super simple setup together — and OH-EM-GEE, was it ever pure magic! Without further ado, enjoy the 3-week pictures of the litter of Golden Retriever puppies below.
If you’d like to set up a pet portrait session for your furry friend, just let me know! I have the biggest heart for animals, and I would love to meet yours! Be sure to follow me on Facebook and Instagram to stay up-to-date on special offers!