Sandpoint Fall Minis | Smith Family
Fall minis are always some of my favorite sessions. This year’s Sandpoint fall minis did not disappoint. The colors were perfect. The weather was perfect. The families were amazing. The Smith family was so much fun to photograph. They have three very energetic daughters who are definitely keeping their hands full.
We spent some time together on our farm. From the moment we started, all the girls wanted to do was “walk in the cornfield.” That cornfield is actually just our hay field. It was cute to see the excitement in their eyes to explore a new place.
The sun was giving us the most perfect glow that day. Their session turned out so dreamy with all the warm colors of fall. Thank you, Smith family, for allowing me to be a part of your family for the afternoon.
If you’re interested in scheduling your own family session, just send us a quick note! You can also get connected with us on Facebook and Instagram so you can be in-the-know when we announce special offers!